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ZZTEST FEAT Allergy Tips for Outdoor Living, Gardening, Hiking

Try these tips to enjoy outdoor living, gardening, and hiking despite yourallergies.

Thick of It: Is the grass getting high? Wear a mask if you’re mowing.Nothing fancy — an inexpensive painter’s mask works fine.

High and Dry: Pollen counts are highest on hot, dry, windy days.Check the forecast before making plans.

Good Scents, Bad Sense: Allergic to insect stings? Don’t wearscented deodorants, perfumes, shampoos, or hair products. Carry an epi pen whenhiking.

Orange or Red Alert? Skip outdoor exercise. High pollution levelsmake allergens even more potent.

Born to Run? Move the morning jog (or walk) to evening. Peak pollenand mold time is 5 a.m. to 10 a.m.

Soothe the Itch: Relief itching from poison ivy, oak, or sumac. Putwet compresses on the rash. Calamine lotion or antihistamine pills alsohelp.

Got Sunglasses? Don’t forget to wear them. Shades keep pollen out ofeyes — plus they protect against harmful UV rays.

Checking In: Does a quick jog or a bike ride leave you wheezing andsneezing? Before heading out, check pollen counts. Or join a gym.

Poison Plant Smarts: Don’t let your pets run in wooded areas nearpoison ivy, poison oak, or sumac. They cancarry the oil home on their fur.

Preemptive Attack: Next year, get the jump on allergies. Startallergy medications a few weeks before pollen season starts.

Back-Up Plan: Warm, breezy mornings have the highest pollen counts.Cool, rainy days have the lowest. If you love the outdoors, plan your days.

Ragweed Alert: If you’re allergic to spring pollens, you’re likelysensitive to ragweed in the fall. Ragweed flourishes this time of year

Just Do It: Love hiking, golfing, biking? Don’t let allergies controlyour life. See an allergist. Treatment makes all the difference.

Weather Alert: When a thunderstorm rolls through, prepare for anallergy attack. The wind stirs up mold spores and tiny pollen particles.

Rake It In? If you’re allergic to mold, avoid rakingleaves — or wear a mask. Store firewood outside.

Shower With Love: Pets bring pollen indoors. It’s best to hose downthe dog before letting him inside.

Pollen Patrol: At the end of the day, a spritz of saline spray clearspollen from nasal lining — so you breathe easier.

Drizzly Days: On cool rainy days, pollen count is lowest. Dress rightfor the drizzle — and enjoy your run or walk. What’s a little rain?

Bundle Up: Cold air can irritate sensitive airways. If you’reexercising outdoors on a cold day, cover your mouth and nose with a scarf.

Face Mask: If you run, put a bandana over your nose and mouth. Weargoggles. This protects lungs and eyes from allergens.

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